
  1. Loy, Gareth, “Music, Expectation, and Information Theory”, Proceedings of the ICMM (International Conference on the Mathematics of Music), Puerto Vallarta, 2015.
  2. Loy, Gareth, “Life and Times of the Samson Box”, Computer Music Journal, Fall 2013, 37(3), Pages 26-48.
  3. Loy, Gareth, “The Systems Concepts Digital Synthesizer: An Architectural Retrospective”, Computer Music Journal, Fall 2013, 37(3), Pages 49–67.
  4. Loy, Gareth, “Mars in 3D”, Computer Music Journal, Fall 2013, 37(3), Pages 101–103.
  5. Loy, Gareth, Musimathics — The Mathematical Foundations of Music, Vol. 2, Cambridge: MIT Press. 2007. Reprinted with corrections 2013.
  6. Loy, Gareth, Musimathics — The Mathematical Foundations of Music, Vol. 1, Cambridge: MIT Press. 2006. Reprinted with corrections 2011.
  7. Loy, Gareth and John Snell, “Stephen Travis Pope: Ritual and Memory”, Computer Music Journal 34(3), Fall 2010. Record review.
  8. Loy, Gareth, “The CARL System: Premises, History, and Fate,” Computer Music Journal 26(4), Winter 2002.
  9. Eric Lyon, Max Mathews, James McCartney, David Zicarelli, Barry Vercoe, Gareth Loy and Miller Puckette, “Dartmouth Symposium on the Future of Computer Music Software: A Panel Discussion”, Computer Music Journal, 26(4), Winter, 2002.
  10. Loy, Gareth, “The Frox Digital Audio System,” Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (San Jose), San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 1992.
  11. Todd, P. and Loy, Gareth, eds., Music and Connectionism, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.
  12. Loy, Gareth, “Connectionism and Musiconomy”, Music and Connectionism, P. Todd and G. Loy, eds., Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.
  13. Loy, Gareth, “Composing with computers — a survey of some compositional formalisms and programming languages for music,” Current Directions in Computer Music, Max Mathews, John Pierce, eds., Cam­bridge: MIT Press, 1990.
  14. Loy, Gareth, “Second Special Issue on Parallel Distributed Processing and Neural Networks”, Computer Music Journal, 13(4), Winter 1989.
  15. Loy, Gareth, “Special Issue on Parallel Distributed Processing and Neural Networks”, Computer Music Journal, 13(3), Fall 1989.
  16. Loy, Gareth, “On the scheduling of parallel processors executing synchronously,” Proceedings of the Interna­tional Computer Music Conference, San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 1987.
  17. Loy, Gareth, “Whither MIDI,” Computer Music Journal, 11(1): 9-12, 1987.
  18. Loy, Gareth, “Designing a computer music workstation from musical imperatives,” Proceedings of the Interna­tional Computer Music Conference, San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 1986.
  19. Loy, Gareth, “Player — Tutorial Introduction,” Technical Memorandum, UCSD: Center for Music Experiment, 1986.
  20. Loy, Gareth, “Player — an experimental music composition language with real-time capabilities” Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (Rochester), Computer Music Association, San Francisco, 1983.
  21. Loy, Gareth and Abbott, Curtis, “Programming languages for computer music synthesis, performance, and composition,” ACM Computing Surveys, 17(2), June, 1985. Also published in Japanese by the ACM Computing Surveys in Bit.
  22. Loy, Gareth, “About AUDIUM: an interview with Stanley Shaff,” Computer Music Journal, 9(2): 41–48, 1985. Interview.
  23. Loy, Gareth, “Musicians make a standard: the MIDI phenomenon,” Computer Music Journal, 9(4): 8–26, 1985.
  24. Loy, Gareth, “Curtis Roads and John Strawn, editors: Foundations of computer music,” Computer Music Jour­nal, 9(3): 80–81, 1985. Book review.
  25. Loy, Gareth, “Designing an operating environment for a real-time performance processing system,” Proceed­ings of the International Computer Music Conference (Vancouver), San Francisco: International Com­puter Music Association, 1985.
  26. Loy, Gareth, “MIDI: a critical overview,” Acoustical Society of America, Invited paper for Musical Acoustics III: Real-Time Music Synthesizers, Abst.: JASA 77(1): S74, 1985.
  27. Loy, Gareth, “Computer music research using SUN workstations at the Computer Audio Research Labora­tory,” SUN Users Group Los Angeles, SUN Users Group, Palo Alto, CA, 1985.
  28. Loy, Gareth, “Player — extensions to the C programming language for parallel processing run-time music syn­thesis control,” Proceedings, MIDISOFT, San Francisco, 1984.
  29. Loy, Gareth, “Allen Strange: Electronic music — systems, techniques, and controls, 2nd edition,” Computer Music Journal, 7(4): 60–61, 1983. Book review.
  30. Loy, Gareth, “Applications of digital signal processing in computer music,” Acoustical Society of America, Invited paper, Special Plenary Session: “Applications of Signal Processing in Acoustics”, Abst., JASA, 74(1): S36, 1983.
  31. Loy, Gareth, “The composer seduced into programming,” Perspectives of New Music, 19(1): 184–198, 1982.
  32. Loy, Gareth, “A sound file system for UNIX,” Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (Venice, Italy), San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 1982.
  33. Loy, Gareth, “System design for computer music at the Computer Audio Research Laboratory, UCSD,” IEEE 1982 Region VI Conference, Invited paper for the session on Computer Systems and Applications, San Diego, 1982.
  34. Loy, Gareth, “Notes on the implementation of MUSBOX, a compiler for the Systems Concepts Digital Synthe­sizer,” Computer Music Journal, 5(1): 13–33, 1981.
  35. Loy, Gareth, Nekyia, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, 1980. Stanford University Department of Music DMA thesis.
  36. Loy, Gareth, “Systems Concepts Digital Synthesizer operations manual and tutorial,” Stanford University Report STAN-M-6, Stanford University: Department of Music, 1980.
  37. Loy, Gareth, “Sonic landscapes, electronic and computer music by Barry Truax, and Studies for trumpet and computer by Dexter Morrill,” Computer Music Journal, 2(1): 60–61, 1978. Record review.
  38. Loy, Gareth, “New directions in music — Significant contemporary works for the computer,” Computer Music Journal, 2(4): 6–8, 1978. Record review.
  39. Loy, Gareth, “The Dartmouth digital synthesizer, electronic music by Jon Appleton, Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Rus­sell Pinkston & William Brunson,” Computer Music Journal, 1(2): 61, 1977. Table of Contents.
  40. Loy, Gareth, “Studio report, CCRMA, Stanford University,” Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (UCSD), San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 1977.
  41. Loy, Gareth, “The all-digital recording studio at Stanford University,” Proceedings of the International Com­puter Music Conference (MIT), San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 1976.